Movies based on Books: Fight Club
Title: Fight Club (1999)
Book: "Fight Club" by Chuck Palahniuk
Movie Summary:
"Fight Club" follows an insomniac office worker, known only as the Narrator, who forms an underground fight club with the charismatic Tyler Durden. The club evolves into an anarchic movement that challenges consumerism and societal norms.
Themes and Messages:
The film delves into themes of masculinity, consumerism, alienation, and the search for identity. It critiques the emptiness of modern life and explores the allure of nihilistic rebellion.
Critical Reception:
"Fight Club" received mixed initial reviews but has since gained a cult following and has been the subject of extensive analysis and discussion. It is often praised for its subversive themes and innovative storytelling.

Fight Club
Release date: 1999
Cast: Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, and Helena Bonham.
Directed by: David Fincher
Genre: Thriller/Drama
Duration: 2h 19min
IMDb: 8.8/10